Tactical CEQ Visibility Guide

Learn How to go from Expert to Industry Celebrity

Are you an expert that needs help getting in the spotlight?

2x award winning business visibility and PR expert Dr. Rob Garcia recently released his Tactical CEQ Visibility Guide and its a BEAST. This FIFTY PAGE pr guide teaches you the four elements of Tactical CEQ and includes BONUS never before seen content from San Diego's favorite business visibility strategist

You'll learn:

*Strategic Social Media with actual content templates PLUS strategies for each

*How to reach out to influencers and celebrities for business partnerships

*How to teach your industry and MONETIZE your training

*How to create media pitches and reach out to media platforms (MEDIA PITCH TEMPLATE ENCLOSED)


*How to create power and influence

*How to create a media platform

*FREE access to Dr. Rob Garcia's PR blog, YT channel, FB group and business magazine

More Details Try Demo

161.37MB PDF Download

USD 47.00

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